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Mission & Vision

It’s time for the Church in this generation to allow God to lead each one of us into triumph in Christ and impart a victorious fragrance of Christ in the world!

"Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place"

(2 Cor 2:14)


Our Mission


"... Equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure and stature of the fullness of Christ” (Eph 4:12-13)


Our Vision


Our purpose and overall vision are tied together due to a message God gave me over 38 years ago.


In 1976, while driving at night on a crowded freeway in Los Angeles, California, the Lord instantly and completely blinded me. Then suddenly a vision clearly appeared showing me a message I was to take to the Body of Christ at large. It was foreknowledge of what He was getting ready to do throughout His Church worldwide. He was revealing the “process” of how He would prepare His Bride, the Church, for His return. But, I would not be allowed to proclaim it until two things were completed. First… we would have to walk through that process ourselves in order to “be” His message and not just convey it as theory or something read in scripture. And second… He would have to prepare the hearts of His Church in this generation to “hear” it. Finally, after 38 years… God has said now is the time to trumpet the message to His Body. His Body is ready to hear!


The Clarion Call is a mandated message from the Lord that carries a sense of urgency with it. God is calling His people to dedicate and surrender their lives as “bondservants” to Him as Lord. He is concerned that the majority of His Body are content with staying at the initial stages of salvation and are not moving on to full surrender and maturity. This deeply grieves Him! His children are walking out their lives in defeat rather than victory. Consequently, multitudes are not discovering God’s intended purpose and destiny for their lives. And if that weren’t bad enough… their lack of growth puts them in danger of being drawn into a “lukewarm” faith condition.


A bondservant, as described in scripture, was once a part time servant of a master who decided to make a free will decision to voluntarily submit and obey his master on a fulltime and permanent basis - never to be revoked. This deeper covenant of sacrifice is what the Lord is wanting from each of us. It is willfully giving Him His rightful and deserved place as Lord in our lives. Once the bondservant decision is made, we no longer just “call” Him Lord - we begin to “make” Him Lord!


The decision to become a bondservant of Jesus Christ can be decided in an instant. But, the actual making of a bondservant of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit requires a great deal of time. It starts by saying, “yes” to this deeper commitment to Him as Lord. At that point, the Holy Spirit, the agent of change, begins to refine us in a deeper way. All that’s required of us is to submit and continue to submit to His transformation and character refining process. So, the decision to grow into maturity and be led into our destiny lies with us. We can choose to remain carnal infant Christians living primarily for ourselves much like the Christians in 1 Corinthians 3 or we can choose to dedicate our lives to Him as living sacrifices as urged by Paul the apostle in Romans 12:1. This willful dedication to Christ is what defines a bondservant or true disciple of Jesus Christ. The latter is not only our reasonable act of service and worship…it’s the Lord’s desire for all of us.


So, His purpose and our mandate is two-fold: To teach His principles that lead to a more surrendered and victorious life and at the same time reveal God’s process of cleansing and preparing His Bride.


As His Word says… 


the bondservant decision

is made,

we no longer just “call”


Lord - we begin

to “make”





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